Time Crystal | A New 4-D Matter 

Scientists continually propose theories, many of which ultimately become accepted as fact. The recent discoveries of gravitational waves and Higgs bosons, once only theories, are now verified through experimentation. In recent years, scientists have uncovered a new and rare state of matter known as a time crystal. What sets a time crystal apart from other forms of matter is its atomic structure, which repeats itself not only in space, but also in time. This makes a time crystal a four-dimensional object, as opposed to the three-dimensional matter we are familiar with.

In this blog post, we will explore the properties of time crystals, how they function, and the potential applications they may have in the future.

Before knowing what time crystals are, first let's know what crystals are.

What are crystals?

Crystals are solid materials composed of atoms, molecules, or ions arranged in a specific and consistent order, known as a crystal lattice. Examples of crystals include diamonds, glass, and ice.


When examining the atomic structure of a regular 3-D crystal, one will find that it repeats a certain pattern in space and this pattern is not affected by time. This means that a diamond will remain the same whether it is observed today or tomorrow.

In contrast, a time crystal is a type of matter that not only repeats its pattern in space, but also in time. As a result, the size of time crystals changes periodically without any external force. They never reach thermal equilibrium, unlike regular 3-D matter.

How Time Crystals Work?

To understand how time crystals work, consider a normal crystal in which atoms repeat a specific pattern. If energy is applied from the outside, it will flow from the first atom to the second, second to the third, and so on until the last atom and the crystal will eventually reach thermal equilibrium, also known as the zero point state. In this state, heat is distributed equally throughout the matter and there is not enough energy for movement.

A simple analogy for this process is a kicked football: it moves for a time, but eventually comes to a stop. However, in time crystals, atoms are attached to each other through quantum entanglement in repeated patterns. When the energy reaches one entangled atom, the other atom in the pair is already in motion, causing every atom to remain in motion. This process never ends, meaning that time crystals never reach thermal equilibrium and continue to show movement even in their lowest energy state.

Scientists have successfully built time crystals using two different experiments. Now, let's talk about how in the future can these time crystals be useful for us.

Uses of Time Crystals

Scientists have successfully created time crystals through two different experiments, and they have potential uses in quantum computing. For example, time crystals could be used to create a stable quantum system that can function effectively even at higher temperatures.

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